Laboratory for Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases

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Head of Laboratory Koshemetov Zhumagali Kaukarbaevich

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Knight of the “Qurmet” Order. A leading specialist in the diagnosis of highly dangerous viral and bacterial infections in agricultural animals, birds, and fur-bearing animals.

Member of the National Scientific Council on the priority area “National Security and Defense.”

Member of the American Society for Microbiology.

Member of the specialized dissertation council D.06.14.489 at the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin (2022–2024).

Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “Biosafety and Biotechnology.”


Professional Training and Internships:

Completed advanced training in the Arab Republic of Egypt in 2004.

Participated in training at the CINADCO International Training Center in Kibbutz Shefayim, Israel, in 2007.

Advanced training at the D.I. Ivanovsky Research Institute of Virology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russia, in 2014.

Scientific Achievements:

Author of more than 370 scientific publications, 3 monographs, 45 patents for inventions, and 36 regulatory and technical documents for the production of diagnostic preparations.

Main achievements:

— Test system [kit] for laboratory diagnosis of FMD types A and O

– Test system [kit] for laboratory diagnosis of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus;

— Test system [kit] for laboratory diagnostics of sheep catarrhal fever;

— Test system [kit] for laboratory diagnostics of plague of small ruminants;

— Test system [kit] for laboratory diagnostics of carnivorous plague by enzyme immunoassay;

— Test system [kit] for identification of the causative agent of sheep pox by methods of diffusion precipitation reaction (RDP) and complement binding reaction (RSC), valuable reaction polymerase (PCR);

— A set of preparastions for laboratory diognostics of carnivorous plague.

Main publications:

– Matveeva V.M., Koshemetov Zh.K., Khairullin B.M., Nurabaev S.Sh. DEVELOPMENT OF ELISA FOR QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF OVALBUMIN IN SEMI-FINISHED INFLUENZA VACCINES.// Biotechnology. Theory and practice.№4 2011 pp.95-98

-Nurabaev S.Sh., Koshemetov Zh.K., Matveeva V.M., Bogdanova M.I., Sugirbaeva G.D., Nurgaziev R.Z., Nurpeisov A.S. DEVELOPMENT OF ENZYME IMMUNE ASSAY FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF PEST VIRUS //Kишоварз №1 2012 pp.29-31


– Nurabaev S.Sh., Matveeva V.M., Koshemetov Zh.K., Nurgaziev R.Z. Study of equine influenza virus reproduction the culture of cells transplanted lines.// Science, new technologies and innovations in Kyrgyzstan. №10 2016 pp.55-58

– Nurabaev S.Sh., Strochkov V.M., Koshemetov Zh.K., Nurgaziev R.Z. MOLECULAR METHODS FOR DIAGNOSIS AND VIRUS TYPING EQUINE INFLUENZA. // News of universities of Kyrgyzstan № 1 2017 pp. 33-38

– Nurabaev S.Sh., Volgin E.S., Orazaliev D.M., Ismagambetov B.M., Kondibaeva Zh.B.,

Orazymbetova N.K., Sapargalieva N.S., Zakar’ja K.D., Koshemetov Zh.K. OPTIMIZATION OF THE CONDITIONS OF ELISA FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF FMD VIRUS TYPE A. // Bulletin of KazNU №1 2019 pp.76-86

– Koshemetov Zh.K., Nurabaev S.Sh., Nakhanova G.Dz., Orazymbetova N K., Umuraliyev B.K., Kondibayeva Zh.B. Abduraimov Y.O., Zakarya K.D. ТHE CAUSE OF THE DISEASE AND THE DEATH OF GOATS IN THE TERRITORY OF THE ZHAMBYL REGION. //TOPICAL ISSUES OF VETERINARY BIOLOGY. №1 2022g pp.15-22.


Diagnostic studies of biomaterials and serums of blood for the detection of antigens and antibodies to the causative agents of sheep smallpox, contagious ecthyma of sheep, plague of small ruminants, foot-and-mouth disease of types A and O, infectious rhinotracheitis of cattle, influenza type A with antigenic formula H1-H7, H13, rabies, brucellosis, pasteurellosis, plague of carnivores, rinderpest, Aujeski disease.

Training in basic methods of laboratory diagnostics of viral and bacterial infections, selection of biomaterials, etc..


Work phone: +7(72636)7-22-28, ext. 128