Head of the Laboratory BARAKBAYEV KAYNAR BAZARKULOVICH is a candidate of veterinary sciences, RIBSP professor. Specialist in the development of technologies for the manufacture of preventive drugs. Co-author of the development and introduction into production of culture virus vaccine against contagious echtyma of sheep and goats from the strain “MTM-NISHI”. The author of more than 80 scientific works, including 2 articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals, which according to ThomsonReuters have a non-zero impact factor, including indexed with Scopus, 12 inventions, 2 recommendations, 12 sets of scientific and technical documentation on biological products. Over 10 abstracts were published in the materials of international and national conferences. The Hirsch Index (h-index) by Web of Science and Scopus is 1.0. In 2012, he was awarded the Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for his contribution to the development of agriculture, and for his contribution to development of science and production of veterinary preparations he was awarded the Certificate of Merit of the Akim (2016) of the Kordai district of the Zhambyl region and the letter of appreciation “Алғыс хат (Algys khat” of the PPO NurOtan (2018)
Main tasks:
– development of draft assignments and programs for advanced research work;
– development of manufacturing technology for various finished forms of biological products;
– development and implementation of the technological process for the preparation of liquid (inactivated) and dry (lyophilized) biological products.
Main achievements:
Laboratory team has developed:
– technology for the preparation of an oral vaccine for the immunization of farm and wild animals and a pulverized virus vaccine for the aerosol immunization of sheep against smallpox;
– manufacturing technology of a virus vaccine against contagious ecthyma of sheep and goats, the technology was introduced into the veterinary practice of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 1999;
– technology for preparation of an associated vaccine against contagious ecthyma of sheep and goats;
– technology for the preparation of tabletted forms of the virus vaccine against sheep pox, Aujeszky’s disease, cattle plague;
– technology for the preparation of culture vaccines against rabies in animals for parenteral and oral use;
– software product “Information System of Biological Safety of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
– laboratory regulations for intranasal and sublingual administration of a vaccine against human tuberculosis;
– the possibility of a specific method of prevention against the most significant infectious diseases of saigas;
– manufacturing technology of mono – and polyvalent vaccines against animal pasteurellosis.
Main publications:
– Dalbayev N.K., Zhilin E.S., Kaysenov D.N., Barakbayev K.B., Sansyzbay A.R., Shurygina A-P.S., Makaryev M.A., Nikonov B.A. The effect of structure-forming and protective components on the biological activity of the recombinant influenza virus TB FLU Esat62A Ag85A during the preparation and storage of experimental samples of the tablet form of the tuberculosis vaccine // International Journal of Applied and Basic Research. – 2014. – No. 3 – P. 65-71. (in Russian)
– Aliyeva A.B., Dalbayev N.K., Kaysenov D.N., Zinina N.N., Espembetov B.A., Barakbayev K.B., Sansyzbay A.R. Cultural, morphological and biochemical properties of Pasteurellamultocida strains isolated from cattle and saiga // International Journal of Applied and Basic Research. – 2016. – No. 9. – P. 414-417. (in Russian)
– Aliyeva A.B., Nurpeysova A.S., Kaysenov D.N., Sugirbayeva G.D., Koshemetov Zh.K., Kasenov M.M., Dalbayev N.K., Barakbayev K.B. The dynamics of changes in blood parameters in small cattle when using a genetically attenuated strain of PasteurellamultocidaAro / A // International Journal of Applied and Basic Research. – 2017. – No. 4., Part 3. – P. 539-542. (in Russian)
Provision of services:
– research and development of technologies and methods for preserving biological products, selection of prescription and formulation of biological products;
– development of parameters for the preparation of liquid, dry diagnostic and prophylactic biological products;
– manufacturing of experimental and production series of biological products against viral diseases of animals and birds, as well as diagnostic preparations.
Е-mail: ribsp@biosafety.kz
Work phone: +7(72636)7-22-28, ext. 127