Congratulations to the leading researchers of the Laboratory of Cellular Biotechnology, Sabit Kabdyshevich Kokanov and the Laboratory of Microbial Cultivation Technology, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences (PhD) Zhanat Burkitbayeva Kondibayeva with the award of the academic title “ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR” in the scientific field 40300 – Veterinary Medicine (Order of the Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 654 dated 07/29/2024 and Order No. 1098 dated 11/27/2024 “On awarding the academic title”).

We wish you good health, fruitful realization of your creative ideas in scientific and production activities, success in implementing the most ambitious projects, and determination to achieve great goals!

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