Deputy Director General for science and commercialization, candidate of biological sciences, professor.
Chervyakova is a specialist in the field of molecular biology, genetic engineering, as well as veterinary mycology and virology. During the period of work, she made a great advance in the implementation of republican and international scientific and technical programs/projects, related to the development of tools and methods of diagnosis and prevention, the study of genomes of causative agent of human, livestock and avian especially dangerous infections.
She is the developer of the Kazakhstan coronavirus COVID-19 vaccine, including the inactivated vaccine QazCovid-in (QazVac).
Chervyakova has co-authored more than 150 scientific papers, including 23 publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals, indexed in the databases of Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) and Scopus, included in the 1-4 quarters according to the Journal Citation Reports of Clarivate Analytics or belonging to the base Scopus indicators percentile on CiteScore from 14 to 95. In 2012 O. Chervyakova became an award winner of First president of the Republic of Kazakhstan — the Leader of the Nation Fund in the field of Science and technology for the work “Development of technologies for improvement, preclinical, clinical studies and registration of the first domestic pandemic influenza A/H1N1 vaccine”. For the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan O. Chervyakova was awarded a lapel badge “Қазақстан Республикасының ғылымын дамытуға сіңірген еңбегі үшін» (In recognition of development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan)” (2017) and the medal “Халық алғысы (People’s gratitude)” (2020); Holder of an Order «Құрмет (Honour)” (2021)